can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Dear Diary,
I am realizing that statistics homework, of all things, is quite satisfactory. This is because I make the most beautiful graphs in the world. Too bad there's computers for that now.
At golf today, the coach let me use his driver, and I hit the ball really far with it. And he saw. Also, me and Kelly tried to drive this golf cart up a hill, and it got stuck so I had to push it. I don't know what I expected to happen once the cart got to the top of the hill and still had no battery power. Golf was actually markedly better than on Monday. I'm getting excited for tournaments. I should practice my game-face.
My roommate, when she's not living with me, lives on the 25th floor of a building right on the river in Seoul. (Korea, dummy) So I should probably check it out in the near future. Then we would go snowboarding with a bunch of Koreans on Korean mountains.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Dear Diary,
I've noticed that when I check my e-mail, I just write all of the important stuff on sticky notes and delete the rest. It's not really accomplishing anything, just moving information around. I used to have too many e-mails now I have too many sticky notes. is this what being a grownup is like?
The library environment can be incredibly under-stimulating. I guess that's what it takes-- absolutely nothing interesting going on whatsoever-- for me to study. But often, I drag myself all the way down there, sit down, get out my books, and just end up drawing families of animals in the margins of my notebooks and leafing through the pictures in whatever library book was left on my table. I have mastered the science of "playing quietly" about 15 years too late.
You know what is great about finally being 20? I can use the phrase "Why, it's been 20 years since I've ... been breast fed, learned to hold up my own head, eaten mashed carrots. as time goes on, I will have more to add to this category.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Dear Diary,
Golf starts tomorrow and this worries me. I worry that I will fall into a pit of academic despair, and my efforts to maintain this student-athelete balance will be failure. But plenty of people can handle a sport and college, just means less "me" time. too much diana time could be bad anyways. by the way, what's the difference between "anyway" and "anyways"? I think i use them interchangeably.
I can't even post because I keep thinking, i need to study i need to study i need to study. i think procrastinating is harder on a person sometimes than just doing the damn homework.