Dear Diary,
I'm still in my khakis because I just got back from the country club. Now I have to keep them on because I have to go to work in 20 minutes. If I was working and golfing as much as I wanted to, I would need about 5 pairs of khakis. What's so great about khakis anyways? They're just beige pants.
I went to a tanning salon today, (don't judge, I only go a few times a year I swear) and there was this tiny dog running around with two broken legs. One on the front, and the opposite one in the back. It was the most pathetic thing I've seen ever. Then the heavily tanned and made up woman behind the counter, the kind of woman who is 28 and calls everyone "honey" and isn't really that friendly, told us that the crippled dog had just given birth to puppies 3 days ago. They were behind the counter in a little nest. She let us peek at these tiny tiny brown dogs, and I almost passed out they were so cute. No bigger than large hamsters. Maybe like squirrel sized, minus the tail. They couldn't hardly walk, they were just flopping all over each other. I wanted to steal one. I kept thinking, I could just slip one into my shirt....