can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Dear Diary,
Last night was a big night for concessions. I sold tons of hotdogs and soda, and read an entire academic-y magazine. Not US weekly, thankyouverymuch.
Today the brother comes to hang out with me and take the LSATs. He doesn't know it yet, but we're going shopping afterwards. And tomorrow we snowboard! Mt. Hood got completely dumped on, like 3 feet of snow in 2 days or something. How terrific.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Dear Diary,
Tonight was a night of soul food and the blues. Lovely. It was the Kwanzaa dinner which by the was was EXCELLENT, and then this boy had a music recital, and it was all knee-slapping barn burners and songs about floods. He is so talented, there probably wasn't a girl in the audience that wasn't aching with longing. Muscians do that to you, it's not fair.
I have a ridiculous headache. I have no idea what to do about it. Except feel sorry for myself.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Dear Diary,
Things are inevitably better when things are busy. You have to work before you can appreciate rest. Senior citizens are known for being depressed, and all they do is rest. Filling idle time when you are depressed is a bitch.
I've got my own box of satusumas. It lives in my closet with my clothes. I think I've eaten between 4 and 6 a day since I've had it. I'll most likely turn orange soon.
Today in Public Discourse, we watched video of ourselves giving impromptu speeches. Mine was about how if I could be anyone in the world besides myself of course, I'd be Oprah. Watching myself give that speech was really neat, because how often do you get to listen to yourself speak off the top of your head? And the best part is, it didn't make me cringe.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Dear Diary,
I'm in the library, can you believe it? and I'm never going to get to leave, which is the sad part. I've spent about four hours writing one page of this essay. It's not going well. I'm taking a blogging break, to free my fingers from their paralysis. Because apparently the words just don't come when it's actually important. And when they do come, i have to delete them over and over again just to get one sentence. Frustrating! In this modern word processing age, I really don't think that a rough draft is a rough draft anymore. Because I rework everything approximately 55 times before i even complete a paragraph.
At least I'm in a study room with some homies. Because when you combine that desparate "I'm going to be here all night" feeling with that desparate "and so very very alone..." feeling, it's close to rock bottom. And the only things that deserve to be at rock bottom are rocks. not people.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Dear Diary,
I think the theme of this year is, "bad things happening to good people." I just got my coat jacked from the library by some monster! I really couldn't care less about the coat, coats are easy to replace and I've got another one, but my damn cell phone was in the pocket! and my room key was in the other pocket! The cell phone is 90$ to replace, and the room key is 50$ to replace. So if you call my cell it will say "disconnected" until I get this new one from Ebay. The customer service guy that I talked to when I called verizon suggested I buy a verizon phone from Ebay. He said that they don't endorse buying phones on the internet, but he was endorsing it just then by telling me to do it.... regardless it'll probably be a week before I'm back in cell phone land.
Now I'm all pissed off. I changed my mind, I don't want anything for Christmas because it will just get STOLEN. Having nice things stresses me out too much. Things are just things anyways, right? well then why am i so sad that someone stole mine?

Dear Diary,
A friend of mine encouraged me to read my archived posts, and if that's not an ego boost, I don't know what is! I am in stitches over here about things that I wrote a year ago, which is remarkable considering how miserable I was a year ago. She's a funny girl, that Diana. I would date her, but... it probably wouldn't work out.
AMERICA! news flash! Itunes is out! the latest and greatest thingy that I've found is . What you do is, just put in the name of an artist or a song that you like, and then the website creates a radio station of songs that are similar to the one that you entered. It's amazing. You get to listen to the entire songs, but you just can't repeat them or rewind them, because that would violate their radio station license. Other than that, it's completely perfect. Why hadn't I heard of this yet?

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Dear Diary,
Another Seattle weekend coming to a close. Let's go over some higlights really quick.
  • I went ice skating with my mom. It's harder and colder than rollerskating, which i am quite good at. And if you were to fall, (which I didn't) your whole side is covered in fluffy ice pieces. The pressure to not fall is tremendous. When I'm rich and famous, I'm going to build my own rollerskating rink, and have rollerskates in ten colors. It will be the only thoughtfully decorated roller rink in the country. Everyone's going to want to be friends with me, cause I've got my own roller rink. I'll have crazy new years eve parties there every year and P Diddy will come.

  • Saw "Pride and Prejudice", was thrilled to see that the amazingly hot protagonist, Keira Knigtley, has no chest to speak of.

  • I inherited a ceramic baby deer with a blue butterfly perched on it's heiny from my Grandma. It's lovely.

  • Drove Dad's Porsche. Revved it up a little extra for him.

  • Love,