Dear Diary,
This I solemnly swear until the day I die: I will never buy a mattress at sleep country. I don't even feel like I've been very media absorbed today and I have heard at least three of their ads on the radio. Never never never. They are possibly the most irritating advertisers that ever were. I am in a really bitter mood right now because it appears I am loosing my vision due to my eye ulcers because I can't even see this screen and I just watched a documentary about how credit card companies are scamming America and the government isn't stopping them because, hey, the government is in debt too! They had a lot of really infuriating quotes from our fine president saying things like; "there's just not as much money floating around washington as their used to be!" There were also interviews with families who had someone commit suicide because of credit card debt, families that are still getting credit card offers in the mail for their deceased loved ones. Even my hero, Suze Orman, appears to be corrupt. I just don't know who to trust anymore.