can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Friday, October 06, 2006

Dear Diary,
I used to think that there wasn't anything more annoying than sitting next to someone that is eating carrots during a class lecture. I mean, is there anything crunchier? But boy was I wrong. The most annoying thing in the world is in fact sitting next to someone in class who is eating chowder. Yes, chowder. people have no manners. No one wants to listen to you try and discreetly open your packet of saltines in a completely silent classroom. And the more discreet you attempt to be with the noisy wrapper, the more obnoxious it seems.
I'm fairly confident that every single boy at my school looks exactly the same. Moderately hairy face, scruffy curly-ish dark hair, pants that are too small or some variety of Carhartts. Maybe a hoodie, but more likely some fleece situation and a beanie. Boys need to get more creative. I'm getting them all mixed up.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Dear Diary,
Sometimes, I feel like all that I think about is me, me, me. I look in the mirror and it's just like, you again? I don't think I want to be anyone else, but sometimes I just get a bit sick of myself. I think it was all this birthday hubub that did it to me. All I could think about was my birthday for so long. And a 21st birthday tends to get quite a bit of attention.
Yesterday, my friend Kevin and I (we were even born on the same day) went to the sleaziest (and cheapest) bar I've been to yet. Everyone was 50. I was wearing sweatpants and Kevin speculated that there may be some meth going on in the bathroom. So we kept to ourselves.
School is hard. I'm trying to think of what I would be doing instead though, and it's not looking too good. I'm not saying I don't like it, because I do. But. I would be a lot less stressed out if I wasn't trying to learn anything.