can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Dear Diary,
I watched "Love Actually" for the second time tonight. Still quality. Still an instant classic. I only cried once, that is pretty good for me. better than last time.
Two finals down, two to go! Today was possibly the weirdest Saturday ever. I started out with a final, then had another afternoon final, and then went to my room and tried to have a normal weekend. No more finals until Tuesday. But at least my spanish final has finger puppets involved.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

This dog was only 20 dollars downtown today. Isn't he a cutie mccuterson? sarah #2 was ready to hand the guy 20 bucks and take the dog, but I convinced her not to. I took this picture instead. We should have asked him if we could have rented it for 3 or 4 nights, just until the novelty of having a puppy wears off.

Dear Diary,
I don't know what is happenning to me. I am listening to Led Zepplin, and miraculously I do not want to kill myself. Is it the extended hour that is having this effect on me? Am I getting delusional from the amount of sitting in this desk that I have been doing? Am i turning into a dirty hippy? That stairway to heaven song was 8 minutes long and I didn't hardly notice. I'm starting to worry. What if I forget my roots? Did my parents ever listen to this stuff? I doubt it.
The OC was extra annoying tonight. I might have to stop watching it. Oh wait, that will never happen. The amount of ridiculousness in that show is out of control. I would love to digress to everyone the intricies of the plot, but I'm not even sure that I could explain it without confusing myself. It's your lucky day I guess.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Dear Diary,
How is it that I can go from having 5 chapsticks in one place to having none in no places? I guess my pockets have holes in them. I am going to get a haircut tomarrow, and I might as well be going to Europe, I am so excited. The significance of what I am talking about right now goes to show just how important things in my life are right now.
I guess I should be studying....
I am so lame...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Dear Diary,
When I don't want to do my homework, I like to make very organized lists of all of the homework that I have to do instead. That at least makes me feel organized about my procrastination. Right?
My latest distraction has been it is probably the coolest program i have seen online. What you do is you think of an object, and don't tell anyone what it is, like a frisbee. then the computer asks you a bunch of yes or no questions about it, like does it break when you drop it, and then it can tell you what you are thinking of in less than 20 questions usually. It is really neat everyone should try it.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Dear Diary,
In college, doing the new york times crossword every morning is really trendy. I think it's dorky. If I wanted to be doing something educational, I'd be doing my homework. The sad thing is, I overheard some kids talking about it during my 3rd class today, and I knew what the answer to the one they were struggling with was because earlier I had overheard the same conversation. Pretty soon I'll be doing crosswords too, just to fit in. i'm such a victim.
People always tell me to major in what I'm interested in, blah blah blah. Well i've come to the conclusion that I am interested in Gilmore Girls and The OC. Think of the possibilities for the my future with a major as dynamic as that. I could also major in blogging. And minor in eating lunch in the bone. I love lunch here. I could talk about it all day.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Dear Diary,
My goodness! I haven't posted since thursday. That's what happens when it's the weekend and you don't have to turn on your computer until Sunday to get that homework train rolling out of the brain station.
So this week is going to be crazy because next week is finals week! I have much to do. Like, studying and stuff. And catering.
Last night I catered. It was a big dinner with a bunch of alumni. I decided that catering to the alumni is more annoying than catering to the students, because the students just eat what you give them. They might complain about some stuff but who cares, they're just kids. Grownups, on the other hand, complain about the coffee being cold and filled with grounds, they complain that there is no good desserts, they complain about everything, and they don't bus their own dishes. What's the big idea!