can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Dear Diary,
I have renewed hope for my life's work. Today I found a job on craigslist for someone to surf the web looking for new trends and blog about it. They said they needed someone that had a sense of humor, (check.) writing skills, and an eye for design and trends. (I could do that. I could fake it.)
Today the roomie and I finally made it to Portabello Market. It's this really big famous market in cute Notting Hill. Avocados were competitively priced and I was nearly convinced I needed a faux antique pocket watch. There was this one stall where there were piles and piles of trendy t-shirts and a Spanish man yelling about how they were all 3 pounds. He was improvising drunken sounding call-and-response songs about how all of his shirts were 3 pounds. He would yell, "how much!?" and all of the women sorting through the tshirt mess would yell back in unison, "3 pounds!!" The whole thing struck me as very un-British, I liked it. I didn't end up getting anything except some blueberries, raspberries, gummy snakes, and the most delicious spring roll I have ever had, but it was a good trip.
We are beginning the only 3 weeks of the trip where we don't get 3 day weekends. I am expecting some sort mutiny soon.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Dear Diary,
My social life is off the charts. I went to two concerts in one week! Unbelievable. First we went to go see OkGo, this pop/rock band that has an excellent music video on youtube involving treadmills. That's the only thing I really knew about them before I went but it was enough, it was a terrific show. I was really hoping the crowd would be all hipster punk types, so I wore lots of eyeliner and my hipster punk scarf, but everyone was pretty white bread. meaning a bit dull. At least I tried! Then last night I went to see Amos Lee, and of course fell in love. I always fall in love with the nice young man on stage cradling an acoustic guitar and singing sweet love songs or songs of painful heartache. (omg, amos, i would never hurt you like she did) I really do like the nice boys better. Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Donavan Frankenreiter, ect. Amos Lee was terrific live, he took songs off his album that I didn't even like on the CD but made them amazing in person. I can't imagine a better job than being a successful musician. You get to share your soul with everyone and all they do is clap and scream about how amazing you are. And you get loads of attention. who doesn't like that?
My recent obsession with reading job postings has made me a very anxious person. None of the jobs I want seem to be posted online for the greater Portland area.
1. professional pop culture commentator
2. director of new hot beverages for well known coffee company
3. booker for hip venue
It really makes me think. It makes me think that I don't want to work for someone else's dumb company. I want to make my own product or agency or restaurant or service. I want to take something I believe in, like really good bran muffins or summer camp or poignant greeting cards or love or killer whales, and then make that into a job. It'll happen.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Dear Diary,
i am in the computer lab and the shift key on this computer is entirely too inconvenient to use, so i am not going to use it. today was a funny day. i got up really early to meet with my personal trainer, mohammed, at the gym. i decided to meet with him a few times because i have no idea what i am doing when it comes to working out. he did this assessment of my body using all sorts of instruments and he found that i am the fattest skinny person ever. here i am expecting to be congratulated on my fast metabolism and he is calling me a weakling. today was just the assessment, and that was hard, (pushups! squats! situps!) i am terrified for whatever program he is concocting to whip me into shape. i'm running on the treadmill with this heart rate moniter on, and he is telling me, "you are at level 9 and your heart rate is 179, i can run at level 16 before my heart rate is there, and you are younger than me!" he failed to consider the fact that he is a MAN who is also fitness obsessed.
later in the day, i found myself at his spinning class. I really don't know why people do this to themselves. But between the parts where I thought I was dying, it was highly entertaining because the room was lit with blacklight and we got to listen to techno music. at the end, we stretched to Celine Dion's "my heart will go on" under the blacklight. It was one of those moments that I was looking around, looking to share a giggle, but i was all alone amongst the stodgy brits. blast.
I interviewed at my internship today, I'm in! I like them, I hope they like me, and I am jazzed to work there for a bit. And, there are a lot of good places to get lunch nearby, which is key.