can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Dear Diary,
I have developed a smokers cough and I don't even smoke. what the heck. Today I hung out at Seattle U with my friend madaline, last week it was Reed College with chloe. It's making me really depressed about how ugly my dorm is compared to other similar schools. Can't I have my cake and eat it too? Seems like I'm paying for that.
I saw "Flashdance" tonight. It wasn't good at all. boring as heck. for so many reasons. The heroine was immature with horrible hair, the romance was uninspired, and the dancing was bizarre.
Maybe I'll go to the driving range tomorrow.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Dear Diary,
Sometimes, when I am creating new clubs for me to be the president of on, i start thinking, is the best thing that ever happened to me. I just can't get enough of it. I feel like on applications for stuff now when they ask about my activities, I can just be like, "well i'm the founding member of the "hippies with ipods are not real hippies" club, and member of the "lc students for mundo latino" club, and also a member of the "sex and the city- aholics anonymous" club." This amount of community involvement will be sure to impress my future employers and educators.
For all of my readers in Seattle, I will be coming your way tomorrow. I am sure racking up those amtrak guest rewards points. You could call me a globe trotter, if you want, because that's what i do.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Dear Diary,
Spanish homework is to be done alone. It is much more satisfying to practice my new phrases when I don't have anyone listening. I can mumble all the incoherent spanish phrases that i want about going to the doctor or buying produce to myself.
I just ate half a bag of sour skittles and it made my mouth hurt so bad that I had to stop. Those things should come with a warning label. "May make tounge painfully raw after half of one serving. tounge will bleed after consuming whole bag."
Ever since I started to get a sore throat on sunday, my voice has sounded all scratchy and awesome. I had to present my first project in clay class today, and I think having my scratchy deep voice helped me convey the real depth of my piece. I made one of my cat finger puppets into a marvelous clay creation. Speaking of that, can you believe that it took over 2 hours to critique 16 people's first clay projects? People were fond of using the phrases, "I think that you were very successful with the..(texture, theme, vibrancy, - insert corney word here)" I suppose I am going to have to work on being deep now that I am in an art class, but I have a hard time buying into everyone's interpretations of a clay cowboy boot.

Dear Diary,
You know what phrase I hate, but also use all the time? "She's going through a lot of stuff right now" or "He just has a lot to deal with". I feel like it's such a cop out. I just saw the movie "Hotel Rwanda", and the people in that movie were going through a lot of stuff. The people in that movie had a lot to deal with. Us? Do we have a lot to deal with, compared to the rest of mankind's history? not so much. Why do we think that we have any right to complain about anything, ever, when we have it so good compared to everyone else who ever was? We have cellphones for christ's sake.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Dear Diary,
Everything that you have heard about Reed college is true. I know, because I have been. Last night me and #2 went to visit a friend at Reed and were blown away. First of all, there are no rules at all. there is a "circle of trust", whatever that means. I think it means doing bong hits on the front steps to the student union and not getting in trouble. There is beer everywhere. No one moves of campus at Reed because they can drink as much as they want where ever they want on campus.
But some how they are worked to death with an extremely traditional and rigourous courseload. These kids are all double majoring in chemistry and molecular biology, but at first glance they look like lazy hippies to me.
Most of the dorms are incredible. They make our new on-campus apartments look like rat holes. We will not comment on what they make my dorm look like.
I went to my first 18 and over club with some kids me and #2 met on the bus. It was pretty crazy. It's called "the zone." You should check it out.