can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Friday, September 01, 2006

Dear Diary,
What is exciting in my life? I woke up at 5:30 am to put together a breakfast buffet for 250 people. I just bought a used book on I watched reality TV on our 20 dollar sofa for a while. drank some superfood out of a mason jar. livin the dream. Sometimes i feel like i'm a walking cliche. but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
I worked at Maggies (an on campus cafe) for five hours today. Some people that were at the breakfast buffet at 8am showed up at maggies at like 4:30pm and they were just like, you again? Next thing you know I'll start going to church with them and showing up for Sunday dinner.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Dear Diary,
Here is how every single conversation I have had with a customer at work this week has gone. I will just give you my half of the conversation. you can figure the rest out. "yeah, i was at camp".... "No no no, only for a few days"...."I go back to school on Tuesday"...."Lewis and Clark? In Portland?".... "Yeah, Psychology"..... "No, I'm not analyzing you right now".... "okay, here's your mocha/iced tea/chef salad" The whole charade gets boring.
The amount that I have to pack into the bronc is alarming. I'll probably have to drive down tomorrow with some towels and my extreme gulp in my lap.