can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Dear Diary,
Today I was watching the British version of America's funniest home videos, and there was this really long montage of different marriage proposals. By the end I was definitely crying, it was overwhelming. The best one was when this army captain proposed, and he had his whole squad there in uniform, and he said, "assume the position!" and they ALL got down on one knee. This girl got proposed to by like 30 men in uniform!! So Julia and I decided that the logical next step was to go on to youtube and search for other marriage proposals to keep the warm fuzzies coming. There were a few more good ones. It really is the best when the girl shrieks and then mauls the guy. But then on youtube, you know how one thing leads to another. I would suggest, for all you bored internet dweebs out there, to search "muffins," "baby laughing" and "room mate dance" on youtube. Those are my top three videos right now. Oh, and of course the classic "russian jumping" video. There are some very talented people out there.
Oh, I would like to also give a shoutout to Fon, a dude from california that randomly found my website and wrote me an e-mail to tell me i'm awesome. you are the second person to do that ever, and the first one was someone else named diana freeburg.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Dear Diary,
Today I went to spinning class at fitness first. It was hard, it's always hard. The fact that it's once a week gives me enough time to forget about the pain by the time the next week's class rolls around. Afterwards I was relaxing in the sauna, and this other girl and I started talking. We really hit it off. I was so jazzed to make a friend who was actually British and a girl. I have never made a friend while I was half naked before either. She's a banker. Everyone is a banker in this town. Actually, that's not true. The other day we were at our favorite bar/club/restaurant "tiger tiger" and we met this guy who was a cadiothorasic (sp?) surgeon. I couldn't believe it. It took all of my willpower to not be like- "OMG- you mean like Dr. Burke on Grey's Anatomy!? That's like, my favorite show ever." PS, America, no more Grey's anatomy until March 15 or something upsetting like that.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dear Diary,
Today Flipper, Julia, and I went to Harrods. We walked around the store for a while, looking at all the very expensive items. We got perfume sprayed on us, ogled the marc jacobs bags, cruised the expensive food halls. but then I got restless and we finally left to go to McDonalds and H&M. I could go to H&M several times a week. OH WAIT! I already do that. Every time, there are things that I see that I can't buy, but I'm like, "I will be back for you."
Now Bridget Jones Diary is on and I have a nice glass of wine. It's been a good day.