can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Dear Diary,
The weekend is still young and already so eventful. I have to keep up this momentum. That's why I'm trying to scrape up a date to go see Dave Chappelle's Block Party. I mean, do stats homework all day. Of course.
My room smells like cigarettes but last time I checked me and Jasmin don't smoke. I don't get it.
All I can think about is me driving a Land Rover through the Brazillian wilderness. Or me laying on the Brazillian beach. Granted, it probably won't be ME driving the Land Rover though the Brazillian wilderness, but a girl can dream, can't she? Maybe Alex and I can rent mopeds. Like we did in Mexico last year. And we ended up on the Mexican highway, destination unknown, on wimpy mopeds. That could have been really bad. If we had motorcycles it would have been better. Maybe we can rent motorcycles in Brazil. Crazier things have happened.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Dear Diary,
I posted yesterday and it didn't work. Frustrating! This is not part of my internet grand master plan. But what I said yesterday was, apparently I'm going to Brazil in May and I will be the first person on my block to get a flip flop tan. I need to learn Portuguese. I'm kindof hoping that it's the same as Spanish, but I'm fairly confident that's not true.
My future roomies and I looked at a house for next semester tonight. Sarah almost keeled over she was so excited about the house. I mostly liked the hottub in the gazebo and the double wide toaster. I also liked the two fireplaces. Basically we're all going to cry if we don't get this house.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Dear Diary,
I spend an ungodly amount of time on craigslist looking for cars. I see a lot of idiots trying to sell their 1989 accords for 6 grand or whatever, but today i saw the moron who takes the cake. The header to this particular post was: "Wanted: luxury car at trade in value" The person went on to explain that it "would mean a lot to me" if someone were to sell them their "nice luxury car" at the price that a dealer would give them for it for a trade-in. Are they a complete moron? Like I'm going to be like, Sure! I've got this M3 in my driveway that I'll give you for, oh lets say 3000$. Haven't they ever heard that beggars can't be choosers? This is really infuriating to me. The other day there was a post that said "I'm a single mom who is in a ton of debt and needs a cheap and reliable car. The brands I like are BMW, Acura, Lexus, Mercedes, Audi...."
If I was looking for selfish morons I'd be watching Jerry Springer.