can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Dear Diary,
There is so much drama involved in owning fish. We've lost two in less than a week, and had to exchange one because it was trying to kill the others. The geniouses at the fish store told us we could put them together, and then when we call and tell them that the paradise fish is picking on the goldfish, the lady was like "why do you have those two together?They'll kill each other." What do you say to that? "Well, you guys are idiots then, because you sold them to us in the same freaking bag!" I think things will take a turn for the better though, now that we figured out that it was the gravel that was making the water disgusting, and probably what was making the fish die. So we cleaned the gravel really well and we should not be having any more cloudy water or dying fish problems! They look pretty happy now, their names are frankenstein and bling.
Last night we were supposed to have a planned power outage from 10-12 pm, and I was really excited, and all prepared with my flashlight in my belt holster, and then the power never went out. What a disapointment.
I can't believe only have one class today and it's not until 2. what the heck am I going to do with myself.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Dear Diary,
The amount of things that I am able to do on the internet is getting out of control. I could sit online all day long, no problem! I think that the recent edition of online banking and has really made this clear to me. Everything a girl wants is online. for example my website is online. Too bad my computer is gone to mystery broken computer land and I am forced to use a MAC in the MAC lab. dang macs.
The girl in front of me has a patch on her backpack that says "fuck cars" I really want to say to her, "so, you like, never ride in cars, ever!? that's so admirable..." However i have a feeling that she might ride in cars every so often. I mean, everyone does. Maybe I should get a patch on my backpack that says, "screw eating!" or "breathing sucks!"

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Dear Diary,
I think I need to go one one of those backpacking trips where you travel alone and build yourself shelters out of sticks and eat only dried bananas for a few weeks. I think that would get my mind of things in a very effective way. I would be thinking about survival, not about uninterested boys and celebrity gossip. Now is not the proper time of the year to be backpacking alone in the forest, but maybe in the spring.

Dear Diary,
It has been a while since I have posted. I apologize for the delay. I have been preoccupied and my computer is gone so I have had to make that extra effort to get to another computer to post from.
My return to L&C has been anti-climatic. I wanted it to be really fantastic and stuff but it seems that I am going to have to make it that way instead of just wanting it to be.
I miss playing golf. I feel like I miss other stuff too, but I don't know what it is exactly that I miss. I was school sick at home and I'm home sick at school. what the hell.