can you believe this crap?! from the papers of diana freeburg

worlds most fascinating college graduate

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Dear Diary,
Having Que Pasa brand corn chips here reminds me of home. I want to go home where online spanish workbook doesn't ruin my life, and where going to bed at 10 is okay. I can leave all the kleenex i want all over my room at home, and the cats will keep me company when i am lonely. Why such a sullen and hopeless post, you might ask. well it's because i have a spanish test in 8 hours and i will never understand soon enough. I would rather take an hour long cold shower than finish the online workbook. that is how bad it is. the online workbook really makes me question college. why am I paying them for this? awful.
The forecast isn't looking to bright right about now. Spanish test in 8 hours, then finishing essay all morning, then class, then work for infinity hours, then sleep again. then work for infinity hours again. Then work again, then study for scary midterm monday. what is there to look forward to? I need a secret admirer or a buried treasure map or something to put that je ne sais quoi back into life.

Dear Diary,
I had so many weird lame dreams this morning when i was trying to sleep in that it wasn't even worth it to sleep in at all. They weren't scary dreams, just lame ones where everything in my life was going badly. All the things that i have been trying to prevent and avoid were crashing down over my head. I have so much homework to to today, i don't know how i expect to sleep tonight. Not too much of a loss because my sleep has been going so poorly anyway.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Dear Diary,
Today i had the most amazing dessert of my life.
And I served a formal dinner to Paul Rusenbagina. College paid him $12,000 to come speak. He's the guy that the movie hotel rwanda is based on. He saved all these lives in his hotel in rwanda. I had a lot of questions that i wanted to ask him about the movie and how true it all was to what really happenned to him, but i was only the server and therefor invisible. So i couldn't. It was definetly neat to see him though. It was a really stuffy dinner. I don't like stuffy dinners. I don't think that anyone had fun. And the whole thing was quite awkward for everyone.
I have felt very productive today. working 5 hours on top of the normal school work will do that to a girl.

Dear Diary,
I think i'm turning into a grownup because i filed my taxes online today and only had to call my mom and ask for help twice.
In other news, the roommate got a hi-tech new toothbrush today. She showed it to me and said, "yeah, it's hot... only the hottest toothbrush for the hottest girl" It looks like SOMEONE needs to get off her high horse, but i won't say who.
We stole a pineapple from the cafeteria a few days ago, and now it is just sitting on top of the mini fridge because we are too lazy to cut it up. I feel a little guilty now. If we hadn't felt so entitled to a pineapple that wasn't our own, it wouldn't be going to waste. I think i've learned my lesson. Don't steal fruit that you are too lazy or unskilled to use. Leave it to the professionals.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Dear Diary,
I was watching tv today. saw this honda commercial that didn't make any sense at all. They were showing a honda with crash test dummies in it, and it was heading straight for this other dummy that was standing dumbly in the path of the car. When the car hit the dummy, these two technicians ran over to its mangled dummy body, I suppose to check it for injuries. As they were kneeling over it, a voice said something to the effect of "Honda is the only car manufacturer that researches how to protect pedestrians too" This is a nice idea and everything, but how much safer could they really make it be hit by a car? Not like they're going to pad the whole exterior of the chassis or something.
I can just imagine some absentminded teenager sitting in his hospital bed, telling his friends, "It looks bad, but luckily I got hit by a Honda, so I'll be fine. Thank god it wasn't a Toyota..."
Even if they do make it safer to get hit by an accord, last time i checked honda made some pretty substatial SUVs too. I can't see how they can make them all equally safe to get hit by, without making some significant structural changes.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Dear Diary,
So I hate it when something should be perfectly fun, and it's not. All circumstances are pointing to yes, everything appears okay, and somehow it still isn't what you want it to be. Creating your own happiness can be a daunting task. an insurmountable obstacle. but i suppose once you get there, more satsifactory than depending on someone else to do it for you.
Sunday nights are the worst. terrible. kind of like how the anticipation of christmas is more fun than actual christmas, the anticipation of monday is worse than the actual monday. wow diana that is a deep thought there. what happenned to the part of me that had a sense of humor?